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_alpine green

tamoadmin 2024-09-07 人已围观

简介1.天山天池英文导游词2.关于风景名胜的英语作文3.请问谁能提供boys n the hood这首歌的歌词。谢!4.熊猫!!(英语)5.我的家乡一武隆(英语作文)6.大运会英语演讲稿!!!好的追加!!! 矿泉水经典的广告词有哪些   矿泉水经典广告词  1. Drink a little every day, a little more healthy



3.请问谁能提供boys n the hood这首歌的歌词。谢!




_alpine green



 1. Drink a little every day, a little more healthy

 2. Your healthy life, your rock springs. Yan Yongquan, healthy living every day. - Rock springs

 3. Are you hungry? Xxx is your best companion!

 4. You and I Yi Bao - Cestbon

 5. Nongfushangquan a little sweet - Nongfushangquan

 6. hammer million hit the mountains, drinking health in the world.

 7. pro-not pro, hometown, the United States is not the United States, the hometown of water.

 8. clear license mineral water, cool you and me.

 9. How deep the spring, how true love.

 10. Shangshiruo Shui, perseverance, memorable!

 11. the good water, Houdezaiwu!

 12. on good water, food for thought!

 13. Mountain green out of good water, drink water to drink rock springs. - Rock springs

 14. Life in the natural breeding! Good quality of water from the fountain of life, enjoy the natural flor.

 15. Shigu-dong, drink out of the moving! . - Shigu dong

 16. The essence of water, is pure, natural!

 17 water aristocratic - King Tin hundred years mineral water

 18. Sound of nature, health, you and me.

 19. natural, is healthy! - Kunlun Mountains mineral water

 20. My beautiful water nursing - Nestle water nursing


 1. "Drink" collar fashion, xxx, holy water health.

 Pure mountain pure, good water go hand in hand.

 3. The milk of the earth, the generation of children

 4. Underground deep water, drink is the taste

 5. Oriental magic water, xxx supreme.

 6. A little more, life is healthier! - Master Kong mineral water

 7. High "silicon" good water, natural treasure - Lu Po mineral water

 8. Alpine seek water, Concert in the world.

 9. Who do you drink? I want me!

 10. good mountain with good water, Huiyan know health.

 11. Fortunately, natural, expensive in quality

 12. Drink the door ring the water, sing the world.

 13. drink, cool look.

 14. Hongxing Yang mineral water, sweet warm drip.

 15. Healthy new life, starting from "Robust" - Robust

 16. Healthy new life, from the beginning to drink Yan Yongquan - Yan Yongquan

 17. 9,000 licensing mineral water, to give you the taste of nine thousand years ago - nine thousand years of glacier spring

 18. Aerobic mineral water that can be used for fish farming.

 19. From the bottom of the Alps - Evian mineral water

 20. Longmenquanquan, hear the good mountain water! - ring of water holes


 1, the screen began to ear a glass of water, water into the child's head, and then into a child.

 2, the child came to the front of the withered safflower, a blossoming safflower on the moment bloom.

 3, children jump to a soap above the soap bubble becomes white.

 4, a burst of rain washed away the child's body foam, and then turned into blue water children.

 5, the child jumped into the hair group is not clean, hair thrown toss, water children into a number of water children.

 6, sponge suction children, a child from the sponge was squeezed out.

 7, children playing on the water column.

 8, children dissolve a box of sugar.

 9, children into the keyhole, into three small water child.

 10, a small water boy into a water droplets together to put out the flame, firecrackers.

 11, children se goldfish, jump into the filter into many children.

 12, snow-ced mountains into the ice water into the pot into a heart-shaped, a lightning into a boy and girl.

 13, the boy to the girl to marry, combined, ge birth to a group of children, in the sunset, into the sea, return to nature.

 14, the screen freeze into Evian mineral water advertising signs. Advertising creative

 The branch of France Evian mineral water ad to a bright, simple, lively, the image of the animation means successful propaganda Evian water effect.Advertising in the water cartoon water is Evian water changes, advertising every scene is reflected Evian water out of the magical effect.



Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!-I he as much soul as you-and full as much heart!And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth,I should he made it as hard for you to lee me,as it is now for me to lee you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities,nor even of mortal flesh:it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the gre,and we stood at God’s feet,equal-as we are!

[译文] 你以为我穷,低微,不漂亮,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?你想错了!我和你一样有灵魂,有一颗完整的心!要是上帝赐予我一点姿色和充足的财富,我会使你难以离开我就如同我现在难以离开你一样,我现在不是依据习俗、常规,甚至也不是通过血肉之躯同你说话,而是我的灵魂同你的灵魂在对话,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如此!”









It's almost 。。。.


I love as my own flesh,



Don't mock.



What love he I for Branch?


Now I want you,


Jane,quickly say,


say "I'll marry you."




I can't see your face,





say:Edward,I'll marry you.



Edward,I'll marry you.



God ,pardon me.





罗彻斯特:“你忍耐一会儿,别逼着我回答。我……我现在多么依赖你。哎, 该怎么办?简,有这么一个例子:有一个年青人,他从小被宠坏了,他犯下了一个极大的错误,不是罪恶,是错误!它的后果是可怕的。唯一的逃避是逍遥在外, 寻欢作乐!后来他遇见一个女人——一个二十年里他从未见过的高尚女人,他重新找到了生活的机会!可是世故人情阻碍了他。那个女人能无视这些吗?”






罗彻斯特:“啊哈!那么自信!那么谁合适?你有没有什么人可以值得推荐? 哼!……哎!你在这儿已经住惯了。”











简:“你为什么要跟我讲这些!她跟你与我无关!你以为我穷,不好看,就 没有感情吗?我也会的,如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我一定使你难于离开我! 就象现在我难于离开你!上帝没有这样!我们的精神是同等的!就如同你跟我经 过坟墓,将同样站在上帝面前!”





罗彻斯特:“取笑你?不,我要你!布兰奇算什么?我要她,不过是她父亲 有开垦土地的本钱。嫁给我,简,说你嫁我!”




1、 我在控诉和恐吓里德太太时,内心恰如一片点燃了的荒野,火光闪烁,来势凶猛,但经过半小时的沉默和反思,深感自己行为的疯狂和自己恨人又被人嫉恨的处境的悲凉时,我内心的这片荒地,便已灰飞烟灭,留下的只有黑色的焦土了。

2、 要是我,巴不得地球会裂开,把我吞下去。

3、 暴力不是消除仇恨的最好办法——同样,报复也绝对医治不了伤害。

4、 在罗沃德度过的一个季度,仿佛是一个时代,而且并不是黄金时代

5、 可惜布罗克赫斯特先生没有能看到,要不然他也许会感受到,他纵然可以摆布杯盘的外表,但其内部,却远非他所想的那样可以随意干涉了。

6、 人的天性就是这样的不完美!即使是最明亮的行星也有这类黑斑,而斯卡查德**这样的眼睛只能看到细微的缺陷,却对星球的万丈光芒视而不见。

7、 荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。

8、 而如今我觉得这很不够。一个下午之间,我对八年的常规生活突然感到厌倦了,我憧憬自由,我渴望自由,我为自由作了一个祷告,这祈祷似乎被驱散,融入了微风之中。我放弃了祈祷,设想了一个更谦卑的祈求,祈求变化,祈求刺激。而这恳求似乎也被吹进了浩茫的宇宙。“那么”,我近乎绝望地叫道,“至少赐予我一种新的苦役吧!”

9、 由于这改变了的环境,这充满希望的新天地,我的各种官能都复活了,变得异常活跃。但它们究 竟期望着什么,我一时也说不清楚,反正是某种令人愉快的东西,也许那东西不是降临在这一天,或是这个月,而是在不确定的未来。





14、“你是凡人,所以难免出错。” 简爱说:








ear visitors, everybody! Welcome to chishan tourism. Tianshan mountain tianchi national key scenic area is located in the xinjiang uygur autonomous region south FuKangShi 33 kilometers. Tianshan mountain tianchi located within the territory of fukang, under half of the east's mt.bogda from urumqi 110 kilometers, altitude 1980 meters altitude, (as can be divided into ice snow belt, GaoShanYa high orogenic belt, mountain acerola belts and low mountains with four natural while can watch. In tianchi snow-ced mountains, forests, clear water, lawns, blossom scenery). Is a natural mountain lakes. The lake is semilobar, long 3,400 metres, the widest place about 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, most deep place about 105 meters. The lake is clear, glittering and translucent like jade. Around the mountains, wild flowers, grass surrounded like jin. He "tianshan pearl" reputation. Tall and straight, verdant and spruce, DaSong, overflow hill times ridge, blot out the sun. Tianchi southeast is the mighty bogurda mountain (Mongolian "bogurda", meaning lingshan, holy mountain) altitude of 5445 meters. There are two peaks around peak and connected. Payable to overlook, three peaks and play, abrupt piercing the clouds, shaped like chessboard. The summit, sparking glacier Snow White, and tianchi azure of the silver lake set each other off becomes an interest, constitute the alpine pinghu graceful much earance of natural landscape. Is one of the national key scenic released. Tianchi is one in two hundred YuWanNian quaternary glacial activities before the big GaoShanBing formed in Qi lake, tianchi lake, the lake at an altitude of 1980 meters long from south to a semilobar, 3,400 metres, the widest place about 1500 meters, an area of 4.9 square kilometers, the erage lake deep 40 meters, the deepest 105 m, with a total 1.6 billion cubic meters. Is 21,200,000 world famous mountain lakes, 1982 phi listed as the first national key scenic area. Tianchi called "; ", is legend xiwangmu fete mu began to tang dynasty poet li shangyin had land, poetry yue: "o mother; HuangZhu adas window lees, the song to move south three miles, eight, how do MuWang not hey." legend of the world is xiwangmu dresser, then say it's silver mirror the bath pond, and west around the cloud, is taeniasis the neon feathers, west of small tianchi is west JiaoPen... wash These wonderful myths and legends, give the tianchi natural scenery beautiful like a layer, the colour of the summer, mysterious here beautiful scenery, relaxed and delightful, is a wonderful summer kilometers. Visitors can wear thickets, high mountain, FuLan heen and earth panoramic, also can be in great wes, white-water rafting trip across lake spectacular landscape. Winter tianchi, snow on the lake ice, snow-white, imperial, is the national rare mountain rink. The world will heen and earth's natural scenery summarized as "shimen first", "longtan Bess months", "heen three stone", "dinghai makes", "nanshan at xue", "xishan now pine", "haifeng exhibition" waterfall "eight landscape suspension spring. Every year, heen and earth are attracting large number of tourists, for everybody below brief introduction of some landscape.

Longtan Bess month, longtan refers to about 2 kilometers below in tianchi, altitude 16.6 meters, circle mountain road west "west small tianchi". Legend has it that in the west with JiaoPen, actually it is washed through underground lake dam changbaishan tianchi lake bulky ice stains content in the spring, leakage down ShanZui intersection of the formation of an effusion in low-lying deep pool. Pool DaSong competition show, full week verdant mountains, as night falls, bright sky, peak on a shadow and Bess glisten tam, for YueYing static shadow sink wall, which he no songs, some poems wrote "yihong Bess ChengLongTan, snow set ching flow, autumn on guangxi emerald dish, dou is sinking wall bottom." charng-er out wide cold

Nanshan at xue tourists stood on the Qi tianchi lake ice locats bogurda mountain, awaited, but they saw "the distance is loose, wildflowers near nipped snow like brocade green lake view splash-ink deep-rooted red. A picture, spring, summer, autumn JingRong". This concept of scenery, such as the fairyland, a floating swings

Dinghai makes a monster of legend tianchi, often messy, joash tether mercy. Stir up the water of the tianchi, submerged or so residents waterfall wandered, people homeless. One year, the heenly queen mother in the temple PanTao will be held. The meeting ge each fairy, but forgot to invite the tianchi monster. Monster XieSiFen displeasure, punches. In an instant, turbid monstrous floods 4 excessive. Armed concerning the heenly queen mother, the heenly queen mother great anger, immediately take a root next head into the water, immediately jasper zan is calm, water back. Stone out That piece of jade hairpin turn into a tree. Since then grow in the waters, and become tianchi lake water treasure. This tree by the heenly queen of the jade hairpin become the head by posterity called "elm trees makes" in dinghai.

Xishan view loose, easing the west mountain tianchi lake and relative situated by ice Qi Yin slope, stone and mudslides composed hillside more loose debris, storage conditions, especially suitable for YuLinMu growth. Here, even the peak YunShaLin renewal ridge, is always clouding strong Yin the best place for tourism. "Xishan loose" and pleasing to eye, relaxed.

XuanHu waterfalls tianchi downstream on ZhongQiDi northeast glaciers built artificially locks, tianchi purging water forming a waterfall. The waterfall rocks along coastlines, white practice under rushing, acoustic shock valley vertical empty, falls in the bottom out, known as the "ubisoft's pool party east small days pool". Here the environment very secluded. North east small tianchi for diarrhoea water and cliffs cliffs, form a up to 100 meters waterfall, flow diarrhoea jade, waterfalls silver sound of thunder, in the sunlight, forming the rainbow, "suspended flying waterfalls" wonderful, he springs or "pearl several springs suspended midair, silver chains high up. YanShui hazes YangYan misty QingLuan j, changhong." exists in

请问谁能提供boys n the hood这首歌的歌词。谢!

Jiuzhaigou Valley is located in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture in western Sichuan Province. If you take a bird's eye view, you'll see it's shaped like the letter Y and stretches more than 40 kilometers. Nine ethnic Tibetan villages are scattered across the valley, so it's called Jiuzhaigou, or the nine-village-valley.

Even for those who he treled to many places in China, Jiuzhaigou is a pleasant surprise. Nerohem Yam from Israel is one example. The past few years he taken him to quite a few places of interest like Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Sha'anxi. But he fell in love with Jiuzhaigou's astonishing beauty at the very first sight.

"This is the most beautiful place in China. Because the landscape is very unique, the water colors are something exceptional, you don't see that in any other place in China."

The magic of Jiuzhaigou lies in the water, which is also where Jiuzhaigou's spirit resides. More than 100 alpine lakes of different sizes and brilliant colors are scattered in the valley.

The water is so pure and clear, you can count the pebbles, floating grass and fallen tree branches at the bottom. All the crystal-clear lakes he gorgeous colors, sometimes blue like shires or green like emeralds, and decorated with bright yellow touches.

Morishita Sadamasa, a tourist from Japan, can't help gasping in admiration.

"I he seen some videos of Jiuzhaigou's scenery back in Japan. But now that I'm here to see it in person, I find the view even more beautiful. There are lakes of the same kind in Japan, but I think Jiuzhaigou outstrips them all."

Jiuzhaigou's colorful waters come thanks to the conic karst landforms. The calcium, magnesium and carbonate ions abundant in the lake water are good at reflecting blue and green light. They also contain more than 200 types of algae in a variety of colors.

The lakes at Jiuzhaigou are located at different altitudes, creating the perfect


Boyz-n-the-hood (remix)

woke up quick at about noon

Just thought that i had to be in compton soon

I gotta get drunk before the day begin

Before my mother starts bitchin' about my friends

About to go and damn near went blind

Young niggaz at the pad throwin' up gang signs

Ran in the house and grabbed my clip

With the mac-10 on the side of my hip

Bailed outside and pointed my weapon

Just as i thought, the fools kept steppin'

Jumped in the fo' hit the juice on my ride

I got front ‘nback, and side to side

Then i let the alpine play

Bumpinnew shit by nwa

It was "gangsta gangsta" at the top of the list

Then i played my own shit, it went somethin' like this :

Cruisin' down the street in my 4

Jockin' the bitches, slin' the ho's

Went to the park to get the scoop

Knuckle-heads out there cold shootin' some hoops

A car pulls up, who can it be?

A fresh el camino rollinkilo g

He rolls down his window and he started to say

It's all about makin' that gta

Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard

You come talkin' that trash we'll pull your card

Knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit'

Don't quote me boy, cuz i ain't said shit...


Dolla b'z in the place to give me the pace

He said my man jb is on freebase

The boy jb was a friend of mine

'till i caught him in my car tryin' to steal a alpine

Chased him up the street to call a truce

The silly mothafucka pull out a deuce-deuce

Little did he know i had a loaded 12 gage

One sucker dead, l.a. times front page

Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard

You come talkin' that trash we'll pull your card

Knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit'

Don't quote me boy, cuz i ain't said shit...


Bored as hell and i wanna get ill

So i went to a spot where my homeboys chill

The fellows out there - makin' that dollar

I pulled up in my 4 impala

They greet me with a 40 and i start drinkin'

And from the 8-ball my breath start stinkin'

Love to get my girl, to rock that body

Before i left i hit the bacardi

Went to her house to get her out of the pad

Dumb ho said something that made me mad

She said somethin' that i couldn’t believe

So i grabbed the stupid bitch by her ny ass wee

She started talkin' shit, wouldn’t you know?

Reached back like a pimp and sled the ho'

Her father jumped out and he started to shout

So i threw a right-cross and knocked his old ass out

Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard

You come talkin' that trash we'll pull your card

Knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit'

Don't quote me boy, cuz i ain't said shit...


I'm rollin' hard now i'm under control

Then wred the 4 'round the telephone poll

I looked at my car and i said oh brother

I throw it in the gutter and go buy another

Walkin' home and i see the g ride

Now kat is drivin' kilo on the side

As they busted a u they got pulled over

An undercover cop in a dark green nova

Kat got beat for resistin' arrest

He socked the pig in his head for rippin' his guess

Now g is caught for doin' the crime

For the fence on the boy, he'll do some time

Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard

You come talkin' that trash we'll pull your card

Knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit'

Don't quote me boy, cuz i ain't said shit ...


I went to get the mouth but there was no bail

The fellows start to riot in the county jail

Two days later in municipal court

Kilo g on trial cold cut a fart

Disruption of a court, said the judge

On a six years sentence my man didn’t budge

Bailiff came over to turn him in

Kilo g looked up and ge a grin

He yelled out "fire!", then came suzi

The bitch came in with a sub-machine uzi

Police shot the bitch but didn’t hurt her

Both up state for attempted murder

Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard

You come talkin' that trash we'll pull your card

Knowin' nothin' in life but to be legit'

Don't quote me boy, cuz i ain't said shit ...



Scientific name: Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca

Alias: Hua Hua Xiong Xiong Takekuma Silver Bear spent the first big raccoon dog-Mrs E Gasi bailiffs hole Leopard Meng Meng Yi Mo's Fresh beast tapir iron beast Pandas

English: Giant Panda


Carnivores (Carnivora) Bear Branch (Ursidae) panda subfamily (Ailurinae)

Endangered information

CITES: Appendix I

IUCN: Endangered

State protection levels: level

China's Red Book of endangered animals grading: Endangered

Shape Features

Giant panda Xiong body肥硕like, but the short end of the first round, his head and body coat color black and white clear.


Only the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau deep alpine transition zone, including Qinling, Minshan, Qionglai Mountain, size and the size of Liangshan, etc. Ridge Mountains. Located in the south of the Qinling Mountains, is distributed mainly in Foping County, the general distribution of the Yangxian County, only a small amount of the distribution of county Taibai, Ningshan, weeks, etc.. Minshan of Gansu County, except for general distribution, the remaining are located in Sichuan. Sichuan mainly distributed in the county in Pingwu, Sichuan and Green Beichuan three counties, the general distribution of a Nanping, Songpan, Mau Timor, and other counties, a small amount of the distribution of county County, Mianzhu, Peng County, Shifang, and Dujiangyan City. Qionglai mountains are mainly distributed in Baoxing County, Wenchuan and Tianquan, a general distribution of Dayi and Lushan County, the only county with a small amount of Qionglai,崇庆, Kangding, Luding, etc.. Size of Mill Hongya and except for general distribution Mianning County, only a small amount of the distribution of Yingjing County, asbestos, Hanyuan, Kowloon. Size Liangshan addition Mabian, Meigu and the West he a certain number, only a small number of counties he甘洛, Ebian and Leibo, etc. (Pan Shi, 1988; Malaysian Yao, 1988; HU Jin-chu, 1985 ). Giant panda habitat and migratory habits of the mountains upstream of the Yangtze River deep mountains for the southeast monsoon wind surface, climate温凉humid, humidity often more than 80 percent, so they are a - hi moist animals. Their activities in the regional multi-Au ditch,山腹depression, valley terraces, usually in the 20 ° below the gentle slope terrain. These local soil hypertrophy, forest Maunsell, niitakayamensis grew well constitute a relatively stable temperature, good concealment conditions, food and water resources are abundant good food base.

Life Habits

In addition to estrus, often live alone Migratory life, and day and night trip. Nest domain area of 3.9-6.4 km2 volatile, and individual overling jurisdiction between the phenomenon of the nest, the nest of male domain slightly larger than female. Estrogen-only activities most of the time in 30 to 40 hectares of nuclear area, the female bodies in the nuclear domain do not overlap (HU Jin-chu, 1985). Food is the main mountain, subalpine about 50 kinds of bamboo, and even potable other plants, and even animal carcasses. Japanese etite great day went to the drinking water springs or streams. Sexual maturity is 6.5-7.5, more than April estrus. In general was early September in the old trees in the farrowing nest hole, each child prolific 1 Aberdeen, occasionally producing 2 Aberdeen. With the baby after the mother left the mother of 18 months. The wild male and female ratio is about 1:1 (beam齐慧, 1993; Wen Wei Fu, 1994).

To risk factors

1, forest harvesting. Giant panda habitat area to the annual harvest of at least 10,000 hectares. Each of their habitat to about 2.5 km2 at the rate of disearance (Kleiman et al, 1991). Nearly 30 years ago, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Sichuan Provinces distribution panda population in the area doubled to over 43 million people, large-scale logging enterprises since 1950-1985, a total of 27 (excluding县属logging Field), the harvesting of forest area to verify for more than 420,000 hectares, with an erage annual logging area of over 20,000 hectares, resulting in habitat by the early 10's 31,450 km2, and after 15 years, has dropped to 13921.52 km2 and reduce area of 17528.48 km2, accounting for the original habitat the 56 percent and caused six cutting the district Panda diseared, 10 cutting the region only a handful of surviving panda, the sharp decline in population size (HU Jin-chu, 1993);

2, capturing too much. As in Wenchuan County grassland before liberation, Britain, the United States and other Western countries, then catch vivo acquisition of over 20 only (those killed outside), where the giant panda population which, to date more than 50 years, the number remains low, yet to return. Again宝兴县from 1963 to date, only one county to capture pandas reached 113 and above. From the mid-1950s, the giant pandas from the wild catch has been over 240 to display at home and abroad, which is concentrated in Baoxing 110 MS only, Ping Wu, more than 60 only, resulting in the two county population structure was damaged, a significant number of decreased (HU Jin-chu, 1993). According panda life table analysis, which a generation would take about 12 years, population growth is slow, such as large catch, even in the protection of a good situation, also take decades to restore;

3, and in recent years, the giant panda poaching smuggling hides were still occur from time to time;

4, the giant panda population distribution in more than 25 island isolated habitats. These isolated habitat area the size of 205 km2 (30-2384km range), the majority of whom (67%) of the area less than 350 km2 (Kleiman et al, 1991). This population of isolation and division is a long-term threat to its population of important factors, small groups of inbred recession phenomenon will reduce fecundity, larval survival and disease resistance. Ultimately "island" members will disear. According to Pan, and others (1988) on the Qinling panda population genetic analysis, there are more than 200 giant pandas, can constitute a about 90 breeding groups, their generation hybrid rate decline rate was 0.54%, after 12 and after 140 years later, every member will he 1 / 8 of the same gene, or table (Church) brothers and sisters of the relationship;

5, due to human activities extend the scope of the giant pandas were forced to retreat to the Peak, a very simple bamboo species meet with a bamboo flowering, no room to maneuver, only 15 Minshan region niitakayamensis flowering, the death of 138 over 1980's Qionglai Hill flowering cold niitakayamensis large area, the giant pandas disaster found the bodies 108, died 33 for a total 141 (HU Jin-chu, 1993);

6, in panda habitats exist without permission from the of mineral development, pollution and the miners, tree felling and hunting is one of the threat (Kleiman et al, 1991).

Natural history

Giant panda is a unique black and white coat color with the lively animals. Its Latin name: Ailuropodamelanoleuca, it refers to the black and white earance. The giant panda species is a controversial issue of a century: whether it belongs to Bear Branch, or as close as the Red Panda raccoon Branch, or a separate species? Recent DNA analysis indicates that giant pandas belonging to Bear Branch, a representative of the early Bear Branch branch. Adult pandas about 120-190 cm and weighing 85 to 125 kilograms. Unique features include: large and flat molars, it's a developed carpal has become a "pseudo-thumb" is to adapt to fresh bamboo for the living. Bear with other six different categories, pandas and sun bears are not hibernating behior.

Food Properties

Panda very special recipes, including the almost alpine region can be found in the various bamboo, the pandas also occasionally carnivorous (usually animal body). Panda unique characteristics of the food it was the local people called "Bamboo Bear." Bamboo lack of nutrition, survival can only provide the basic nutritional requirements, the pandas adapt to a gradual evolution of the characteristics of this recipe. In the wild, in addition to sleep or short-range activities, daily feeding time for the giant pandas as long as 14 hours. A giant panda eating 12-38 kilograms of food per day, close to its body weight of 40%. Panda likes to eat bamboo most nutritious, containing cellulose least part of that Soft, shoots, and bamboo shoots. Giant panda habitat usually he at least two kinds of bamboo. When a bamboo flowering at the time of death (bamboo every 30-120 years will periodically flowering death), the giant pandas can turn feeding other bamboo. However, habitat fragmentation of the increased status within the habitat of bamboo may be only one, when such deaths bamboo, the pandas will be in the region face the threat of starvation.

Captive and social behior

"Breeding difficulties" as news headlines to describe the propagation of the giant pandas situation. However, the study shows that although the wild giant pandas in captivity live longer state, but the wild, breeding success rate higher. In the wild, adult pandas regardless雄雌are involved in reproduction. Several female can fight duality and the male mating, but will be looking for a male in a different period of estrus females. In spring mating season 3-5 month, usually no more than 2-4 days. Pregnancy is about five months. Wild occasional twin circumstances, but generally only female panda feeding a cub. Captive populations, the twin of more. Before childbirth, female individuals find empty holes in tree roots and the production. Such shelters in the vicinity, and to stay on for three months, with its generous hand carefully care cub. Giant panda cub born very small, usually only 100-200 grams, there are only female bear the weight of 1 / 900. Panda cubs in the past few days to a month after the birth, the mother panda baby will be left in tree holes or holes out foraging. Mother beast sometimes lee two days or even longer. This does not mean that it abandoned baby, but the process of bringing up baby part of it is natural. Baby in the 12 months or so begun to eat bamboo, but in the meantime, they are completely dependent on his mother. Wild baby mortality rate lower than the pen, about 40 percent (Pan, and others, are being published).

Qinling region in the long-term study indicate that the giant panda breeding rate of about 0.654 baby / female / annual (Pan, and others, are produced), and North American natural population of brown bear some similar (Stringham1990).

Giant pandas are living animals, each adult domain clear of the nest, the male domain of individual nests are usually large, close to 30 square kilometers, general and the number of female individual nest domain overlap. When the nest male giant pandas in the same meet with each other jurisdictions, such as the estrus period of female pandas in the surrounding, and they he a clear hierarchy, will lead to an even struggle. The advantage of the individual male and female mating a priority, but there are also opportunities for other males. Female individual in 3-4 at the age of ual maturity, individual and 5-year-old male around. Young male individual in the position in the lower grades, 7-8 at the age of a chance mating. From the 4-year-old female individual to the 20-year-old, usually once every 2-3 with an annual output of Aberdeen. Although the only giant panda family structure exists only less than 18 months and the mother of the beast between the baby panda will be between sounds and smells through regular exchanges, if not in estrus. One-year-old giant panda baby in about weaning, and has been to 18 months and mother together about his mother again until pregnancy. If not pregnant mother beast, and the baby lives with his mother to two-year-old half, it drove them off when the mother. After independence, most of the baby in the mother's nearby residence, others, especially female, will be living away from the place of birth. Giant pandas need to conduct further research.

Captive giant pandas can survive 30 or more, but the life span of wild giant pandas usually only about 20 years.


Fossils show that giant pandas ancestors eared in 2-3 million years ago alluvial Ji early. Giant panda habitat in China had covered most of eastern and southern regions, the North of Beijing, the southern and south Vietnam in northern Myanmar (夏勒, 1993). Fossils are usually at an altitude of 500-700 meters in temperate or suropical forest found. Giant panda habitat only in modern times and the tremendous changes occurred. Over the past few hundred years the Chinese occupation of the land and rapid population growth, many habitat diseared. Previously, the giant panda had lived in low mountain valley, has now become settlements. Giant pandas only live in the bamboo can grow between elevation 1200-3400 meters.

The current distribution

The number of wild giant pandas in the end? This is a very difficult question to answer. Living in the high mountain areas on steep slopes of bamboo, the panda statistics become a very hard work. In the 10s and 1980s he had two surveys, it is estimated that about 1,000 giant pandas field, this figure may be low. Panda regional distribution of the total 37 counties, if by the middle, and a small amount of the general three-tier division, the main producing counties each about 100 around the county, a total of seven counties; general production County each county about 50 more, a total of 11 This projection, the number of wild giant pandas more than 1,000 total only about 1, the number of captive about 100 AAAZPA Communique, 1993). Panda's net reproductive rate of 1.0672, slow population growth (Sichuan precious animal resources Investigation Team, 17; Bifeng Chau, 1989). Panda Bear Branch family is the most rare, are also under the greatest threat to the survival of the mammals. Giant pandas live in the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in southwest China's temperate forests, bamboo is the main understory plants here. Giant panda habitat on six separate mountains: the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan Minshan Mountains, the Qionglai, Sichuan, and the size of the Liangshan Mountain Ridge. The 1980s survey of the habitat area of about 13,000 square kilometers (Reid and Gong 1999). According to the State Forestry Bureau in 2005 investigation report has now confirmed Qinling giant panda population will be identified as a new subspecies of giant pandas. The giant pandas in Qinling pandas in Sichuan and geographical separation of five years has been long on the Qinling pandas head shape than round. At present the number of Qinling pandas he 273. In the Qinling mountains, in black and white pandas found in the brown pandas.

Classification dispute

The classification status of giant pandas has been more controversial, is to giant panda Xiong ancestors evolved from the class before the panda. Now the internationally recognized it as a Bear Branch, the giant panda subfamily classification, is also gradually domestic recognition. Domestic traditional panda will be a separate classification for the giant panda Branch.


Wulong is a mountain nook, but, riding has its own unique charm to win the crowd's "heart."

Fairy Hill winter long last year November to February is snow coming period. When the snow-ced, silver dressed in white, prairie skiing, snow, snow, lamb, wine Rinpu, interest proudly. All spring and summer, the whole blue sky, grass green grass, flowers, cattle and sheep flocks, school of life. Mild mountain climate cool in summer, monthly erage temperature at 18-20oc, even in the hottest July and August, the maximum temperature does not exceed 30 ℃. Summer scenery enchanting, cool and comfortable climate, boundless forests, clear wind Buddha, cool and pleasant. Fairy Hill long winter visitors, last year November to February is snow coming period. When the snow-ced, silver dressed in white, prairie skiing, snow, snow, lamb, wine Rinpu, interest proudly. All spring and summer, the whole blue sky, grass green grass, flowers, cattle and sheep flocks, school of life. Mild mountain climate cool in summer, monthly erage temperature at 18-20oc, even in the hottest July and August, the maximum temperature does not exceed 30 ℃. Summer scenery enchanting, cool and comfortable climate, boundless forests, clear wind Buddha, cool and pleasant. Visitors can enjoy the picturesque alpine grassland, meadow and forest landscape, but also to wash the dust annoying, inspiring, heart and soul, is leisure, enjoy the cool air of the great summer resort. The charming scenery of the forest steppe glamorous as the tourists were in Western Europe Makizono style with the "first southern pastures." So enjoy the fairy mountain "mountain Summer Palace" reputation has "landed earthly Garden of Eden," said.

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Wulong welcome your arrival.

Teachers and students:

Hello! My topic is "Let our campus more beautiful. "

Spring, all things recovery. Germination of grass, trees green. In the new century's first Arbor Day roaching, our school had a car shipped another car of trees, flowers and grass, suddenly the campus in new forms, new look into the past changes, large tracts of green in front of us. Schools to give us create a beautiful, comfortable learning environment, as a primary what do we do it? Can we planted a tree on campus, to add a flower garden, doused with a pot of water for the turf it? If you can not do it, then I think at least we should also protect our environment for the campus a beautiful effort, make some responsibility for it.

Students, campus care, landscaping, everyone's responsibility. When you're trying to throw melons shell handy when you go a few steps, put it in the trash; when you walk to see the ground when the floating pieces of paper, please curved waist, to retrieve it Up. If we all be sure that all comply with ethics, our campus will be more clean, tidy and beautiful. Students, in order that we can he a more beautiful, more comfortable learning environment, in order that we can grow more healthy and active, let us join hands together to create a beautiful campus environment. Our campus will be even better!

Thank you!




